Category: Inpatient Rehab

If you’re considering enrolling in drug and alcohol addiction treatment, you may be wondering what the difference between private rehabilitation and free rehabilitation is. A private rehabilitation center is owned by an individual. In order for a private rehabilitation center to open their doors, they must comply with state guidelines on the operation of a rehab […]
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A common misconception about addiction and substance abuse is that recovery is as simple as ‘stop using.’ From the outside it may seem that simple, but knowing the kind of hard work and dedication that goes into recovery is part of understanding that sobriety is a lifestyle change, not a goal to be accomplished. Quick […]
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Here at Harbor Village we receive a lot of questions from concerned family members and friends looking for ways to help their loved ones overcome substance abuse and addiction. While it remains true that you can’t force sobriety on anyone, there are things you can do to help encourage recovery and support your loved ones […]
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Deciding to enter treatment for a substance abuse disorder is a big step- larger than most people give you credit for. Sobriety is more than completing a program and getting a fancy certificate: it’s a lifestyle change that takes a lot to commit to. It’s the greatest gift you can give yourself, yes, but we […]
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Most people seeking an addiction recovery program do their research in a very specific, restricted area: within about 10 miles of their home. Sometimes that radius can be expanded to include the entirety of the state, but rarely does one consider the broader horizons that out-of-state treatment can provide. This self-imposed limitation can lead to […]
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