Category: Drug Abuse

Children are sponges. They absorb information better than any of us. If you think your problem is going over their head, think again. Although your child doesn’t understand the gravity of a chronic substance use disorder, the disease’s effects will long remain: Binging nights, erratic outbursts, nights withdrawal crept in— or perhaps you’re the functioning addict. Drunk only after work. […]
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Preparing to enter an inpatient drug or alcohol rehab program is, in many ways, akin to preparing to go off to college. Getting the most out of both experiences requires a fair amount of pre-planning, follow through, and earnest effort. Just like the decision to pursue higher education can benefit your future, beginning your journey […]
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Most people seeking an addiction recovery program do their research in a very specific, restricted area: within about 10 miles of their home. Sometimes that radius can be expanded to include the entirety of the state, but rarely does one consider the broader horizons that out-of-state treatment can provide. This self-imposed limitation can lead to […]
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Watching your loved one struggle with addiction is never easy. Though we may want to help, many of us don’t know how, or may end up engaging in enabling behaviors thinking we’re helping. We know how frustrating it can be to feel helpless in the face of addiction, whether you are on the inside of […]
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An overdose may occur when the body in inundated with an influx of a substance which over saturated the body’s natural receptors. In the case of cannabis derived substances like hashish, the possibility of overdose is usually disregarded and pushed to the side as an impossibility. The general perception is only “hard drugs” like heroin […]
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Perhaps the most basic means of categorizing illicit substances falls into two large groups: Uppers and downers. Uppers, downers, and the substances which fall into these categories have different physical and mental effects, but there are some commonalities. Both uppers and downers interact with the central nervous system, either exciting or suppressing it to achieve the desired […]
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Getting drunk- the great American pastime. We have serious problem with booze in this country- in 2012 we drank 6.3 billion gallons of beer alone. On top of that, more than half of U.S. adults 18 years of age and older reported drinking within one month of a study conducted by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Need […]
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If you’re familiar with Eastern medicine you’ve probably heard a great deal about the body’s chakra system — and even if you’re not, chakra healing is gaining traction right here in the US. Many are seeking to bolster traditional Western medicine with more holistic approaches to healing, which focus not only on the physical body, […]
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After my unfortunate escapades on briefly covering a middle school boy snorting smartie-shaped methamphetamine, I wanted to know how common instances like these are. I took to google to hopefully discover obscure stories from decades past. My main focus was snorting strange things- and the internet delivered all too well. Because there are so many […]
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