Category: Recovery

Addiction is a difficult thing to go through, both for the person experiencing addiction and those who love them. Recovery can be a long journey, and there are many aspects that need to be considered. One of these aspects is stress. Stress can be caused by many things such as financial struggles, family problems, or […]
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The holiday season is upon us, and with it the stress and joys of spending time with the people you love. Rather you’re gearing up to travel home for the holidays, playing the host, or opting to celebrate with friends, now is the time to celebrate all you have to be thankful for and surround […]
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Addiction affects everyone differently- we know that. What may not cause any problems for one person can trigger a life-altering substance abuse disorder. Some people may be able to give up their substance of choice and never look back; others will experience relapse along their journey. While each sober journey is definitely unique, there’s still […]
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The path of addiction recovery is different for everyone: we all have individual needs, concerns, and unique situations that impact our sober journeys. We also recognize that our recovery affects more than just our lives, but those of the people we hold dear. But what about when those people include children- your children? The decision […]
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We’ve touched on the topic of dating and relationships while in recovery before: some believe a good relationship can aid your recovery, while others urge focusing on yourself without a partner. While I tend to believe each case is unique and should be treated as such, there are a few valid reasons for concern: The […]
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You often hear that recovery is a road you have to walk alone, but that’s not strictly true. Yes, you and only you can put in the work to get you to your recovery goals, but the company you keep along the way is important. We’ve already talked about toxic people and knowing how to […]
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Being on the other side of addiction and in recovery is a powerful and inspiring experience. When your eyes are truly opened to how dedication and commitment can change your life, wanting others to experience it as well is only natural. But what happens when they refuse? People are often reluctant to leave the safety […]
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Unfortunately active addiction can often lead to legal trouble, leading to interactions with law enforcement and court appearances. Knowing how to properly conduct yourself during these times is important: it can make all the difference in your case. If you have an ongoing case which will require upcoming court appearances, keep these 5 tips in […]
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Codependency in active addiction is the mortal enemy of recovery. Reliance on others for your self-worth, financial security, and mental health is a recipe for disaster, especially when substance abuse becomes part of the equation. Codependency leaves us vulnerable to malicious and manipulative people who seek to take advantage of that susceptibility. Codependent relationships between […]
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Recovering from a life of addiction means restoring the balance of mind and body. Along the way the substances we use can throw a wrench in that balance but healing is still possible. Since the goal of recovery is to keep things out of the body that could be potentially harmful or detrimental to your […]
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