Category: Drug Rehab

When you think of addiction recovery treatments and therapy options, odds are images of traditional methods come to mind: a therapist’s office, a group therapy session, maybe a scene involving someone suffering from the symptoms of withdrawal (thankfully now we have medications which make this process much easier and less painful). While it’s true that […]
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Here at Harbor Village we receive a lot of questions from concerned family members and friends looking for ways to help their loved ones overcome substance abuse and addiction. While it remains true that you can’t force sobriety on anyone, there are things you can do to help encourage recovery and support your loved ones […]
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Cost of care should not be a deterrent for seeking treatment, but for thousands of people living check to check or without income, it is. This unfortunate reality impacts all aspects of healthcare, but when it comes to addiction and substance abuse things are further complicated. Frustration with inability to cover the costs often gets […]
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Deciding to enter treatment for a substance abuse disorder is a big step- larger than most people give you credit for. Sobriety is more than completing a program and getting a fancy certificate: it’s a lifestyle change that takes a lot to commit to. It’s the greatest gift you can give yourself, yes, but we […]
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Anyone who has ever struggled with substance abuse knows how difficult it can be to remain sober. Positive support and expert guidance are necessary to successfully conquer drug addiction. In the most recent Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), it was estimated that almost nine percent of Americans needed help with substance abuse but less than one percent went […]
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Preparing to enter an inpatient drug or alcohol rehab program is, in many ways, akin to preparing to go off to college. Getting the most out of both experiences requires a fair amount of pre-planning, follow through, and earnest effort. Just like the decision to pursue higher education can benefit your future, beginning your journey […]
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Most people seeking an addiction recovery program do their research in a very specific, restricted area: within about 10 miles of their home. Sometimes that radius can be expanded to include the entirety of the state, but rarely does one consider the broader horizons that out-of-state treatment can provide. This self-imposed limitation can lead to […]
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One of the unfortunate yet seemingly unavoidable side effects of addiction recovery and sober living is that eventually you will reach an impasse: a moment where you must separate yourself from the life you used to lead and begin anew. Ideally, this new journey of enlightenment and wisdom would be travelled with friends and family […]
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